Monday, 7 May 2012


I find martial arts fascinating. They spark curiosity and admiration of the inherent yet hidden abilities of human beings. I don't mean the violent and killing-streak in us, but the beautiful and graceful yet powerful movements we can achieve with proper practice.Aikido has been a part of my life since young. From dreading the once a week class as a child, to enjoying the daily practice as I grew older, Aikido - The Art of Harmony has shared bittersweet insights. This Japanese art encompasses many aspects such as weaponry work and empty handed joint-locks and breath throws.

Recently in April 2012, we at Melbourne Aikido got the rare opportunity to be in the presence of a great Aikido master - Takeno Kancho. From Yamanashi Yoshinkan, we hosted this renown 10th Dan practitioner and his Head Assistant instructor, 6th Dan, Nakagawa Sensei. Watching his waza or technique was thrilling yet scary. I wondered if any of us would ever be at such a level of mastery.. =)
Koussoulis Sensei (our Sensei in Melbourne) always amazes me with his deepening understanding of the art and his willingness to share and support us. I am always humbled and grateful to be under his guidance. Koussoulis Sensei practiced under Takeno Kancho in Japan and carries on the Yamanashi style of Yoshinkan Aikido. Though form and basic is of utmost importance, I swell with excitement watching our Sensei turn this 'rigidity' into supple power - more ukemi (break falls) practice for the rest of us =p!

It was a great experience. At the end of it though, I was proud of how our dojo came together during the seminar and hosting period. =) And thankful for the difficult yet important lessons passed on. Now when I hear the word Haru, it reminds me of both the kind, warm support and the difficult to swallow rebuking. The ones before weren't joking when they imparted that martial arts could sometimes show you more than you asked for - ooo.. challenge!  ;) .

There are approximately 150 members in our dojo. Melbourne Aikido is only 5 years old and it has grown remarkably well under the wing of our Sensei.If you're interested for more information on Melbourne Aikido:

Koussoulis Sensei at our 2011 Annual Demo: 

I watched a Shaolin monk training video last night and was gawking at the screen for most of it. Incredible!