Monday, 25 February 2013

Zucchini planting at CERES!

A mildly hot and sunny day at CERES! :) The beds had been dried up since last week to prevent the weeds from taking over. We started re-weeding a bed in preparation for transplanting some zucchini plantlets. After lots of tugging, pulling and digging, it was time to fertilise the soil. We sprinkled some pellets around and rolled them in.

Then, we positioned the stakes into the ground for a guide to plant the soon-to-be-massive zucchini plants. Transplanting time! After all that, it was time for watering and positioning of the automatic-timered- watering hose.

Before we left, we helped cut down some basil plants that had started to flower. MMM... that night after a few hours of our nightly training, we had homemade vegan basil pesto with pasta for dinner :).