Monday, 24 September 2012

Orgonite making...

Sunday ... 
Our sunny and very windy Sunday was spent juggling a jar of sticky (yet slippery!!) activated resin, arranging tumbled stones and adoringly filling up our moulds with aluminium shavings. We were curious to try our hands at making these structures of supposedly incredible powers. 

There's expectedly mixed reviews on the effectiveness of the orgonites, but we thought it would be a fun activity to try for ourselves! 

The basic theory behind the orgonite: 
Orgone, proposed by Dr Wilheim Reich refers to universal energy or etheric energy. He found that by combining certain materials together, etheric energy could be attracted and the negative/deadly orgone repelled. An orgonite is a combination of catalysed fiberglass resin (organic substance), metal shavings (inorganic substance) and quartz crystals. 

Our materials for the day! 
Aluminium shavings, moulds, catalyst, casting resin, lubricant..
 and... our tumbled crystals!

We first sprayed lubricant onto the moulds and then mixed the casting resin with the catalyst. Unarmed with measuring cups, we squinted with mouths ajar counting the number of drops of catalyst. 
We then stirred the mixture with a wooden chopstick - slowly! As it traps air bubbles =)

We also decided to  pour in the catalysed resin in stages, finding it quite surprising when it all sank to the bottom of the mould.

We layered our aluminium shavings and crystals ... resin and then more of the rest... diligently watching as the resin sank, and gently poking the top layer with our chopsticks to aid the resin and the levelling of the orgonite's would-be-base.

After all the fun or filling up our moulds, they were now left to dry overnight.

Our filled up moulds!
 Ending the day with some homemade zucchini, carrot and apple cake... =)

Another sunny day greeted with successful orgonites! YAY! =D haha.. the one in the cone mould popped out surprisingly into my hands when I tipped it over.. the rest took longer to dry.

Our orgonites! =) =) =) 
The resin still smells very strong at the moment ... letting them dry out a little more! =D Am excited to see their effects! 
tower buster! =)
Some interesting and more detailed information from the net on orgone and orgonites : 

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