Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The weekend of preservation & exploration ... + SUN! =)

Preservation ... with Instinctive Defence

The first of many more scheduled to come - our Instinctive Defence Workshop. The two hour workshop which went on a little longer than expected, with the overflow of new and exhilarating ideas and practice, was good fun and a learning experience. It was comprehensive and interactive - open to questions and everyone had a go at our P.I.E.S.. Overall, we received positive feedback and some useful comments on how to improve ~ very exciting! =) 

course material =)
Instinctive Defence, presented by Practical Defence Solutions offers a real life solution to self-preservation issues faced. With focus on simple to follow instructions and practice, we find that this method will help participants assimilate their own Self-Defence Action Plan into everyday life. It's not everyday one gets to venture into their instinctive, almost animal-like self when it comes to preserving yourself and others that you care about ;) . But at least one has the tools and knowledge now to do it!! 

The course covers matters of awareness and preparation, avoidance of a threatening situation, and if caught in a difficult risky situation - how to remove yourself from it safely.
I personally found the course very enjoyable and insightful. It was amazing watching people reconnect with their instinctive nature - lots of fierce, frightening women in the room!!! haha =). 
More info at the Instinctive Defence website  and photos from our workshop day! 

Exploration ... with the Origins of Consciousness workshop
More sun on Sunday! =) It was an amazing day at the Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne. Felt lucky sitting in the Community Room listening to inspired individuals sharing their experiences with psychedelics and deep exploration into life and consciousness. Felt even luckier being there with a loved one =). Some sections of the talks were very emotional for attendees - tears, sobbing, and emotional sharing of stories. We arrived late that day from classes in the morning. The Convent was packed as usual on a event day - queues of people at every cafe and toilet. Lucky for us the sun was out and blasting! We enjoyed a bit of the warmth during the 2.30pm break, munching on our veggie sandwiches, both quiet from the amazing talks just passed. 
Graham Hancock 

Dennis McKenna and Graham Hancock were simply astounding! Such great speakers and story tellers. Dennis' story of his ayahuasca trip, being inside a leaf and experiencing the photosynthesis process was so vivid that I am sure more than one of the listeners were "experiencing" it too just from listening to his delightful voice. Graham and his heartfelt story about his marijuana 'addiction' touched a few souls in the room. He presented a very interesting slideshow on the history of fairies,aliens, shamans, cave painting, psychedelics and many more supernatural related topics. Lots of questions were asked during his session - people getting though provoked and asking for solutions to the epidemic of humanity.
Dennis McKenna
A very inspiring weekend. Lots of learning and reflection. Felt relieved when Dennis McKenna got us laughing on the 'voice behind his left shoulder' telling him that 'us monkeys wouldn't get away with destroying Mother Nature'... Went home and cleaned the house haha! Motivated to cleanse out mess and nonsense. Had vivid dreams that night (the both of us) on shamans ... ;) The deep forests of Brazil is definitely a destination on my mind now... <3 

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