Sunday, 28 October 2012

Springtime gardening!!

Replanting time of the year! 

Beautiful sunny day today! On the way back home, we swung by Ceres Environment Park in Brunswick East for some seedlings. Good variety there! Pretty busy this spring Sunday - lots of families walking around the nursery with baskets and seedlings too! The chickens and chicks (full of feathers!) were adorable!! ~ digging the soil for some sand with their feathery feet...
Our seedlings!

What we picked up:  
- Spinach
- Kale
- Cucumber 
- Lettuce ~ Cos Lettuce Freckles and French
- Eggplant Rosa Bianca
- Artichoke
- Red chilli
- Bush Bean Burgundy

- Tomatoes of various varieties - Yellow Bush Taxi, Black Russian and Tatura Dwarf. 
- Watermelon

- Greek basil
- Oregano
- Comfrey (helps with bruises from training ;)...)

Basking in the sun before being replanted! =)
 We first watered the garden beds - we've removed the plants from the last planting season. Soil was pretty dry and hard. After some quick checks, we found out that most of our seedlings are sun-happy! Only a few preferred the shade. Our sun beds are exposed to the sun for quite awhile during the day.
mushy soil ... 

oregano =)
 The first to go in ~ Oregano into our herb 'platter' (the bed looks like a giant plate)!

..the chilli plant! Can't wait for baby chillies - hopefully they're as spicy as chilli padi. Am planning to make chilli oil and put it onto our pizzas. mmmm =) 

Hello mr cucumber baby...

spinach in its new home! 
 A bed of lettuce ... so delicate and simply gorgeous!

Eggplant after a bit of a water ...
 Still great weather after the planting - cleaned up, watered them a little more! Am excited to tend to them and watch all of them grow into big, strong plants!


Lucky the sun stayed for the rest of the afternoon! Got a chance to lie under the sun for some Vitamin D.

Also ... My adzuki beans are soaking ~ will be planting them when they germinate =).

A wonderful day... 

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