Thursday, 8 November 2012

Instinctive Defence PRomO!

I'm excited for this Saturday ~ our 2nd Instinctive Defence Workshop! Places have been filling up and it's looking pretty good at the moment. We've been releasing promo material over the past few weeks hoping to gain some momentum. Besides the Facebook comments of "how cute" and similar comments, I am unsure if we're getting the message across yet. Ah well... time will tell!

Here's a couple more interesting things about the workshop!

1) We literally do ask you to show your fangs. You'd be surprised that you had some animal instinct left over the years of evolution and taming of our species ;) .
2) Our strategy is P.I.E.S. ~ It's YOUR strategy to figure out through the practice of the above - "rediscovering your inner roar". How do you come up with your strategy you say? In this workshop, we simulate a real life situation and if you don't think and act quick ... uh oh ;) 
 3) It's a one off course that has people a little sweaty from roaring, more instinctive and versatile and more prepared to roam the forest of our metropolitan city.

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