Monday, 12 November 2012

Baby Bean Seedlings :)

Success (some!) so far in germinating my adzuki beans and chickpeas! Unfortunately left the adzuki outside for too long ~  birds or insects ate some of them and left my poor chipped and harassed red beans looking quite not alive :(

But some survived! YAY!
It was my first time germinating chickpeas - it never occurred to be before to give it a go! Soaked them for about 2 days until little roots started to show. Popped them in damp cotton wool until they grew a little bit more and had a bit of "grip". Then, into the jar and outside sun as the leaves started to show :) .
my chickpeas! conveniently fitting into our coffee cup holders ;) 
ADZUKI! the first one transplanted from cotton wool into a jar.. 
We used to have to germinate red or green beans yearly at school for a science project. Most of us just threw them away once the project was over. One year,  I replanted them into a pot in my garden. WHOA! :) ... Gorgeous plant & I had my own green beans after awhile! My science teacher wouldn't believe me that it would grow and have pods...=_='.

mmmmm :) pretty & delicate leaves :) <3

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