Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Orgonite making on a sunny Sunday afternoon...

We made orgonites again on the weekend :) They turned out pretty well!

This time we used a different method of making them. Our friend called up the professionals (orgonite website people) for advice on how to make an effective orgonite! This time, we got our ratios a little better ;) 50% metal fillings and 50% resin.

multicoloured while setting in the sun :)
The resin and catalyst we picked up from Autobarn in Melbourne and they were so different to the Diggers one we used before. This time, it dried up into a jelly like substance that was impenetrable in just a matter of minutes! We almost could not put in a quartz pointer in one of the towerbusters as it dried up so quickly.

So this session went smooth and easy. Haha. Not much mess or sticky hands. The towerbusters while drying were of all sorts of colours! We were surprised as the last time our resin had no colour. This time, it was pink, purple, blue, orange and even green while they were setting in the muffin trays. They finally turned out a pretty pink when fully dried :) ... PoP! They came out with no hassle in just 2 hours! It took us more than 24 hours the last round.

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