Another great morning of voluntary work at Honey Market Lane, CERES Environment Park!

The garden had over grown during the Christmas break! There were huge zucchinis and cucumbers ready for harvest. Beans had grown too old so the other volunteers put them into the compost pile. Also, the weeds were popping up everywhere!
After harvesting the succulent cucumbers, we tied some of its sleek vines back on the frame.
Then, off to weeding! We managed a bin-full of weeds :o Their root systems were very challenging... In the meantime, I forgot about my slowly burning skin!
After weeding! |
The other volunteers harvested some amazing looking zucchinis.

I love plums! What a treat to be harvesting fresh plums straight off a tree. :) These succulent fruits loaded this old tree of more than 12 years of age! Some branches had broken under the immense weight of its fruits. SO MUCH PLUMS! We were lucky enough to try them fresh too. Mmmmm... so lovely and juicy :). The garden is looking great and is slowly regaining its usual tidy look. Can't wait for another gardening day next week!
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