Sunday, 20 January 2013

Babies no more! :D The summer ROAR!

Summer time has brought a lot of growth in our garden.....From springtime sprouts to beds of chlorophyll rich green!

My baby bean seedlings have grown! :) Out they are in the garden bed, no longer under my watch in their initial jars. Everyday I watch in awe as they grow. The chickpeas have grown into lovely shrubs with gentle & soft leaves. They are even flowering now! Small white flowers are delicately basking in the sun! I just found an interesting sac looking thing :). Exciting! 

Chickpea! :D 
interesting sac...

One of the adzuki bean plants is competing with its comfrey neighbour ~ TALLER!! TALLER! :)

Adzuki bean plant :)
Miraculous looking thing! 
We came back from our road trip and immediately checked the garden beds! BEHOLD THE MAGNIFICENT COMFREY! It was just a tineeeyyyy little plant when we left, only around 5inches in height. Now, its HUMONGOUS! :)

Our lemon tree we recently found had been swamped by gall wasps. :( We had to unfortunately shave most of it off, so it is now looking quite miserly. The cos lettuce didn't survive the heat while we were away on holiday. Two weeks later with lots of watering and compost, it is finally showing more signs of vigour. :)

tomato bed!
The eggplants are looking very wrinkled even with our dedicated watering regime and fertilising, while the tomatoes have gone wild! I've done a poor job staking and they have grown onto the footpath! :p ... We had the pleasure of having some Yellow Bush Taxi tomatoes a few nights back and WHOA, they were the yummiest we've had so far!

I can't wait to try some chilli from the garden. They are reddening! Yay! More tomatoes are on their way too :) While trying to put their succulent stems back under the netting, I spotted a few hidden juicy fruits, almost ready for harvest!

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