Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Orgonite making on a sunny Sunday afternoon...

We made orgonites again on the weekend :) They turned out pretty well!

This time we used a different method of making them. Our friend called up the professionals (orgonite website people) for advice on how to make an effective orgonite! This time, we got our ratios a little better ;) 50% metal fillings and 50% resin.

multicoloured while setting in the sun :)
The resin and catalyst we picked up from Autobarn in Melbourne and they were so different to the Diggers one we used before. This time, it dried up into a jelly like substance that was impenetrable in just a matter of minutes! We almost could not put in a quartz pointer in one of the towerbusters as it dried up so quickly.

So this session went smooth and easy. Haha. Not much mess or sticky hands. The towerbusters while drying were of all sorts of colours! We were surprised as the last time our resin had no colour. This time, it was pink, purple, blue, orange and even green while they were setting in the muffin trays. They finally turned out a pretty pink when fully dried :) ... PoP! They came out with no hassle in just 2 hours! It took us more than 24 hours the last round.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Day 1 at Honey Market Lane, CERES Environment Park

Good weather for a day of gardening at Honey Market Lane. We arrived around 10.30ish at CERES Environment Park and searched for the location of the garden. Then, we looked for the illusive Steve, who runs the garden and it's many tasks + workers/volunteers. :)
Honey Market Lane
While waiting, I helped out with washing the lettuce for Market Day (tomorrow, Wednesday) while he started weeding some of the beds. Groups of loud school children flooded in tasting soil, doing their quizzes and just having some fun wandering and exploring.

Then I helped with weeding nut grass too! Very stubborn kind of grass with deep and interconnected roots. With the help of the fork and some muddy fingers, we got most of them out! And on the way found some other lovelies - worms, slaters and other colourful bugs I am unsure of what they're called.

Some regrowth from the harvested lettuce! 

We managed to weed 3 beds by the time the rain arrived. Next week ... planting basil! Fun!

Homemade Oat Milk

My first try at making oat milk! After referring to some great blogs online, I ordered in some muslin cloths and got onto trying this morning!

Soaked some organic rolled oats in filtered water for a few minutes before pouring it into our blender for a bit of a wizz. I added a tablespoon of Agave Syrup and a pinch of salt. After the oats became pulpy, I strained the mixture with a muslin cloth... and in it went into jars!
 Strong "oat" taste unlike the cartoned ones. Mmmm.. surprised at how easy and relatively mess free the whole process was. Now they're ready in the fridge for our bircher and protein shakes! :)
The remaining pulp ... product - oat milk and raw ingredient- oats!
I am excited to experiment more! 

And to use the pulp for some cookies or odd balls tonight :) 

Monday, 12 November 2012

Baby Bean Seedlings :)

Success (some!) so far in germinating my adzuki beans and chickpeas! Unfortunately left the adzuki outside for too long ~  birds or insects ate some of them and left my poor chipped and harassed red beans looking quite not alive :(

But some survived! YAY!
It was my first time germinating chickpeas - it never occurred to be before to give it a go! Soaked them for about 2 days until little roots started to show. Popped them in damp cotton wool until they grew a little bit more and had a bit of "grip". Then, into the jar and outside sun as the leaves started to show :) .
my chickpeas! conveniently fitting into our coffee cup holders ;) 
ADZUKI! the first one transplanted from cotton wool into a jar.. 
We used to have to germinate red or green beans yearly at school for a science project. Most of us just threw them away once the project was over. One year,  I replanted them into a pot in my garden. WHOA! :) ... Gorgeous plant & I had my own green beans after awhile! My science teacher wouldn't believe me that it would grow and have pods...=_='.

mmmmm :) pretty & delicate leaves :) <3

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Instinctive Defence PRomO!

I'm excited for this Saturday ~ our 2nd Instinctive Defence Workshop! Places have been filling up and it's looking pretty good at the moment. We've been releasing promo material over the past few weeks hoping to gain some momentum. Besides the Facebook comments of "how cute" and similar comments, I am unsure if we're getting the message across yet. Ah well... time will tell!

Here's a couple more interesting things about the workshop!

1) We literally do ask you to show your fangs. You'd be surprised that you had some animal instinct left over the years of evolution and taming of our species ;) .
2) Our strategy is P.I.E.S. ~ It's YOUR strategy to figure out through the practice of the above - "rediscovering your inner roar". How do you come up with your strategy you say? In this workshop, we simulate a real life situation and if you don't think and act quick ... uh oh ;) 
 3) It's a one off course that has people a little sweaty from roaring, more instinctive and versatile and more prepared to roam the forest of our metropolitan city.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Springtime gardening!!

Replanting time of the year! 

Beautiful sunny day today! On the way back home, we swung by Ceres Environment Park in Brunswick East for some seedlings. Good variety there! Pretty busy this spring Sunday - lots of families walking around the nursery with baskets and seedlings too! The chickens and chicks (full of feathers!) were adorable!! ~ digging the soil for some sand with their feathery feet...
Our seedlings!

What we picked up:  
- Spinach
- Kale
- Cucumber 
- Lettuce ~ Cos Lettuce Freckles and French
- Eggplant Rosa Bianca
- Artichoke
- Red chilli
- Bush Bean Burgundy

- Tomatoes of various varieties - Yellow Bush Taxi, Black Russian and Tatura Dwarf. 
- Watermelon

- Greek basil
- Oregano
- Comfrey (helps with bruises from training ;)...)

Basking in the sun before being replanted! =)
 We first watered the garden beds - we've removed the plants from the last planting season. Soil was pretty dry and hard. After some quick checks, we found out that most of our seedlings are sun-happy! Only a few preferred the shade. Our sun beds are exposed to the sun for quite awhile during the day.
mushy soil ... 

oregano =)
 The first to go in ~ Oregano into our herb 'platter' (the bed looks like a giant plate)!

..the chilli plant! Can't wait for baby chillies - hopefully they're as spicy as chilli padi. Am planning to make chilli oil and put it onto our pizzas. mmmm =) 

Hello mr cucumber baby...

spinach in its new home! 
 A bed of lettuce ... so delicate and simply gorgeous!

Eggplant after a bit of a water ...
 Still great weather after the planting - cleaned up, watered them a little more! Am excited to tend to them and watch all of them grow into big, strong plants!


Lucky the sun stayed for the rest of the afternoon! Got a chance to lie under the sun for some Vitamin D.

Also ... My adzuki beans are soaking ~ will be planting them when they germinate =).

A wonderful day... 

When fear governs over love ...

When a white army battles Indians and wins, it
is called a great victory, but if they lose it
is called a massacre.
Chiksika, Shawnee

Some short documentaries I came across on the mass killing of the beautiful Native American people. Though long ago in history now, the atrocities of man still continue today. Killing, war, fear-mongering, discrimination, egocentric lifestyles, and the list goes on... 

It's a tragedy knowing that these great people, with insight and wisdom into the ways of Mother Nature, were murdered and reduced for being in-tune with the universe. I wonder how we've been so successfully frightened and leashed onto this railway track of homogeneity and docile servitude. Craziness. 

Perhaps, now in times of uncertainty and conflict such old wisdom of being one with all will rise again to guide us. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Springtime =)

The earth has awaken here in Melbourne,
It's springtime! 
Leaves are a baby green, soft and delicate...
The flowers have bloomed and are singing - like a soprano choir, they're hard to miss!
But some are shy,
They hide in the foliage, they hide close to the grounds...
As the wind blows, 
Petals glisten with colours unimaginably vibrant...
It's so beautiful to watch the earth glow...

Click the picture for a slideshow of all =) 



